Welcome on my website

Welcome on my workart! This is a website about me who's an artist with different tallents. I want to present my works, my creations and to let you travel into my imagination through my art. This is why I called it, the workart, like a ''workout''. Because for me it's a workout of imagination, creativity and art so that's why I named it workart. It's hard for an artist to develop his talents when the time doesn't presents himself for letting the mind to liberate her talent on paper, computer or through the voice... Every gesture we created, every thoughts we could write on a paper, every lyrics from a song who comes out of our mouth or every new painting could demonstrate us of how the wind push the direction of the art.


This is the website of my works of art... My biggest tallent as people say is that I'm a good writer to express myself. But since I learn english, it's normal for me to be unconfortable with the language. I intend to become more good in the future and eventually it's why I want to live in Los Angeles. This is the city of where one of my many dreams could be true and become a reality for me. Hollywood ! But if I have the chance to live there, it would be a dream already. So I'm writting songs, poetry (mostly in french but recently in english too), novels and scripts. I also sing and dance... I dunno If I can act in a movie but I did an angel in both differents plays. And I can draw trees, landscapes, clouds and mandala.


This is all my tallents and now let me tell you what I will put in the next pages. I decided to do a shop later when I will be ready to sell my stuff. Maybe this summer... but i would love to make a bunch of bookmarks homemade by me. I would like also to present my albums that I wrote. I wrote 4 albums with many songs in each one. I just didn't compose the music yet. I intend to find people to play in my own band. And I would love to show news about my new projects like scripts, novels, stories but they will be protected by copyrights. My drawings as well will be on the website. I will also write my poetry and my own quotes with the quotes of others people who inspire me. I hope you will enjoy your visit with hoping to see you again. Thanks to you !




Ps: I will share videos and what I like the most in our world. Because I'm a fan of many things.

Visitor's notice



Documentary, bookmarks and choir

28/09/2014 14:01
My bussiness in bookmarks should come back soon. I need to organize more the project to sell...

Auditions are coming !

06/07/2014 13:03
Auditions are coming really soon, check out the date in the page of Events Calendar. Thanks...

Working.... right now !

22/06/2014 12:19
If you don't see any activities on the website, don't worry they will come. Right now I'm working...

Bookmarks on Etsy

13/05/2014 15:38
Homemade Bookmarks   Coming up soon !  I will make my homemade bookmarks on Etsy. (...

My draws on the website

03/04/2014 11:40
I will put today my draws on the website. Just click on the page My creations and you will find...

Visitors notice

07/02/2014 19:21
I will put really soon my draws on the website.  But before I could do that I need to take...

Website launched

07/02/2014 19:20
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